For guys who are sick of cold approach and dating apps, and want the NEW way to get beautiful women in 2023
see how guys are ditching the "swipe right slaughter-house" and creating Abundant dating Lives - in 14 days
WITHOUT cringey PUA tactics, hours chasing women, or pretending to be someone they're not

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What is "IG Playbook X?"
IG Playbook X is the NEW, modern way to get as many women and dates as you want...

WITHOUT ever cold approaching or swiping on rigged dating apps again.

And it doesn't matter if you're not:


In fact, most of our biggest success stories are from guys who aren't ANY of those things.

(See John's story further down)

You'll do this by using the untapped power of Instagram to set up a “dating funnel” that automatically brings in new women who like you for who you are and gets them WANTING to go out with you -

Before you ever even talk to them…

…so you don't have to spend a ton of time or money chasing after girls who aren’t even interested in you.

So, if you:

Want to find your one perfect girlfriend? This playbook has you covered.

Want 3+ girlfriends all at once? It’s a lot to handle, but if you think you can, this playbook will get you there.

Want to enjoy multiple dates, new girls, and one-night stands every week? This playbook makes it easy.
IG Playbook X is the NEW, modern way to get as many women and dates as you want...

WITHOUT ever cold approaching or swiping on rigged dating apps again.

And it doesn't matter if you're not:


In fact, most of our biggest success stories are from guys who aren't ANY of those things.

(See John's story further down)

You'll do this by using the untapped power of Instagram to set up a “dating funnel” that automatically brings in new women who like you for who you are and gets them WANTING to go out with you -

Before you even talk to them…

…so you don't have to spend a ton of time or money chasing after girls who aren’t even interested in you.

So, if you:

Want to find your one perfect girlfriend? This playbook has you covered.

Want 3+ girlfriends all at once? It’s a lot to handle, but if you think you can, this playbook will get you there.

Want to enjoy multiple dates, new girls, and one-night stands every week? This playbook makes it easy.
IG Playbook X gives you FULL CONTROL.

YOUR dating life, YOUR way.

All without ever cold approaching or swiping through rigged dating apps again.
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*** NOVEMBER SPECIAL: The Next 20 Guys Who Purchase The Playbook Will Get A FREE In-Depth Review Of Their Instagram Profile By Chris Archer (Optional - no strings attached) ***

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Charles H. from NYC used the playbook for a month and these were his results:

"With the playbook it's my reality now. Absolutely insane"
-Charles H.
Here's the thing, man: It's not 2013 anymore! 

Dating apps and cold approach don't work anymore for 97% of guys...

Times have changed.
Women have changed.

Women have ALL the power in the current dating market...

And 97% of men have NO POWER.

This means that unless you're in the top 3% of men -

-Looks (6ft+, extremely handsome, chiseled)
-High Status (everyone in your city knows and respects you, access to elite networks)
-Money (at LEAST 6-figure income)

Then you've probably already realized this... apps and cold approach will simply leave you frustrated, unconfident, and empty-handed.
So now...
If you want:
  • New beautiful women as often as you like...
  • Full control over your dating life...
  • ​​Dating ABUNDANCE...
  • To become a "natural"...
  • Hey, if you want to find your soulmate! ...
Then Instagram is BY FAR the best way in 2023.
Keep reading to learn the new 5-step system
With some simple updates to your profile and stories, you can EASILY get dates with beautiful women who are attracted to you, all from your couch...

WITHOUT having to cold approach, go to clubs, use cringey "game," or be a handsome male model...

...yet barely any guys take advantage of this!

Instead, most guys:

🚫 Cold approach over and over
🚫 Use dating apps that are rigged against you 
🚫 Try to pick up women at nightclubs 

Unless you're in the top 3% of men, those method simply don't work anymore.

Tinder admitted that their app is over 80% men.
This is a HORRIBLE dynamic.

This means that unless you're a natural "Chad," most women skip your profile in 0.3 seconds before they've even LOOKED, let alone gotten to know you at all.

Women have ALL the power and control.

You're left begging for the scraps.

Have you seen those YouTube videos of girls rating guys on Tinder..?

But what about cold approach?
Okay, first - let's be real for a minute:

Cold approach SUCKS.

We can admit it.

Again, unless you're tall, handsome, and charismatic, you'll have a hell of a time with cold approach...

And here's the thing -

It's not even your fault!

Like I said, the dating marketplace has simply shifted all the power over to women, so even if you're a cool, funny, friendly guy, cold approach will still be a nightmare.

Plus it's SLOW.

It takes too long and has poor results.

What guy wants to spend hours approaching girls just to get a couple phone numbers and probably get ghosted anyway?
The truth is:
The dating world has shifted massively over the last 10 years. 

What used to work simply doesn't work any more.
Beautiful, smart, and fun women are all on Instagram, not dating apps.
Most guys are struggling to get attractive women interested in them, and either settle for ugly women just to get SOME action, or end up in long dry spells without any women at all.

...But for the few guys who know how to use Instagram to make women come to them?

...For the few guys who actually "get it"?

They are easily getting more women RIGHT NOW than they know what to do with and living over-abundant dating lives.

It's open season, baby.
"But I've already tried talking to girls on IG and it doesn't work!"
Hold up...

Women ALWAYS check your profile before following you or replying to your DMs.

98% of guys (most likely including you) have Instagram pages that TURN WOMEN OFF.

Hard truth my friend:

If your profile isn't PURPOSELY ENHANCED TO ATTRACT WOMEN, your IG game will always fail.

❓Pics of you and your boys chilling and drinking?
❓Blurry selfies?
❓Random shots of trees and your pets and sports games?
❓Lame captions with zero intrigue or personality?
❓No displays of status or confidence?

Women will take one look at your profile and ignore you forever.

Don't worry - I used to have the exact same problem.

But it's easy to fix, once you know how.

And it's actually a great thing for you, because you can be one of the very few guys in 2023 who actually "gets it"...
If you want to make beautiful women chase after YOU...
  • WITHOUT cold approach or cringey "game" tactics
  • ​WITHOUT chasing women down on guy-filled dating apps
  • ​WITHOUT being a tall, rich, handsome "Chad"
  • ​WITHOUT going to clubs, parties, or events & spending tons of money
...then Instagram is the secret to your dream dating life.

Here's what your phone could look like in a few weeks:

And it's not just me with results like this...

YOU TOO can easily create a MAGNETIC Instagram page that makes women come to you.

They will start chasing YOU.

They will start flirting with YOU.

All you will have to do is reach out and choose whichever one (or ones) you like.

Sound too good to be true? 🤔

I used to think so too before I learned how ridiculously overpowered Instagram is when you know how to handle it...

So here are just a few results from other guys using this playbook:

A few reader results... (many more further down)

"it's too easy now"
-Martin S.
"only been using it a week and already had 3 dates and 1 close"
-Joe W.
"If you told me a month ago that I'd be juggling multiple dates with beautiful women, I'd have laughed... With the playbook it's my reality now. Absolutely insane"
-Charles H.

*** NOVEMBER SPECIAL: The Next 20 Guys Who Purchase The Playbook Will Get A FREE In-Depth Review Of Their Instagram Profile By Chris Archer (Optional - no strings attached) ***

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Keep reading to see what your dating life could look like...

So who am I, anyway?
My name is Chris Archer. 

I'm an average 28 year old guy from the United States.

A year ago my girlfriend of 10 years broke up with me, and I had NO CLUE how to get back into dating...

All I knew was:

I wanted to sleep with a LOT of beautiful women.
So I made that my mission.
If you told me back then that my Instagram DMs could look like THIS every day... 

I'd say you were crazy!
When my girlfriend from high school broke up with me after 10 years, I'll be honest...

...I was PSYCHED.

It hurt, of course, but in the back of my mind I had actually been hoping for it.

I CRAVED freedom.

But I was also terrified...

I had been out of the dating scene for a decade.

The last time I had asked for a woman's phone number had been on a flip phone.


I KNEW I wanted to date a bunch of beautiful women.

As many as possible.

But I'd been out of the game for so long that I didn't even know how...

I tried cold approaching women but I was nervous and awkward, and nothing I said ever came out right.

I lacked the experience and foundational confidence with women.

I tried dating apps, but when I finally DID connect with a woman, they were NOT the kind of women I was looking for...

I tried partying, clubs, "game," and everything else, with SOME success...

But not the success I wanted.

And I was tired, burned out, and sick of constantly chasing women who weren't that into me.

What did I want exactly?

I wanted a constant rotation of beautiful women.

I wanted many different options.

I wanted to take my pick.

I wanted women to chase after ME.

I was busy with work and didn't have time to go chasing tail all the time...

I wanted a low-effort system that did the work for me.

I wanted to become a MAGNET.


Soon after, I moved to a new city and met a guy named John in an improv class.

He was about 5'7, average build, average looking, average everything...

...but when I got to know him better, I learned that he was dating and sleeping with 4 or 5 different beautiful women ALL THE TIME...

...and when one woman left, no problem - he replaced her with an even HOTTER woman within a few days!

🤯 I couldn't believe it.

Here I was lifting weights, buying nice clothes, trying to learn "game" and all this other useless sh*t, only to have this average guy with buck teeth and zero style pull 100x the women I EVER had.

So I bought him a beer (or 6) and he told me all about his secret.

What was John's secret?

His secret was Instagram, of course.

He set up his Instagram in a certain way to make him magnetic to women.

Then, he would simply find pretty women in his city on IG and let his profile do all the work.

He had it all down to a science.

My head was spinning when I went home that night (and not just from the beer)...

If John could do it, I knew I sure as hell could do it too.

I spent the next few days setting up my IG like John's, snapping a few new photos, changing my bio and highlights, and almost like magic... WORKED.

I started getting phone numbers and dates left and right, more than I could even handle, and I was taking beautiful women back to my place for unforgettable nights multiple times a week.

It was CRAZY.

One woman I dated was even verified on IG with over 30k followers 😳

And I'm NOT some male model, not tall, not rich, not special in any way...

I just learned female psychology and how to use it to my advantage.

And with Instagram, it's insanely easy...

You simply:
  • Get rid of all your current sh*tty photos that turn women OFF​
  • ​Add a few new photos that display the right traits that turn women ON
  • Write a clever and intriguing bio that makes women want to get to know you better
  • ​Learn how to start DM convos with women without acting needy
  • ​Even better, learn how to get women to DM you FIRST
  • ​Get women's phone numbers in the DMs
  • ​Set up certain types of dates over text
  • ​😻🍑💦❤️‍🔥

Not long ago I was exactly where you are right now...

Now I can easily get new women whenever I want.

Now I have dating ABUNDANCE...

...and you can too.

Now it's all EASY...

...thanks to John.

I kept this info secret for awhile because no other guys knew about it and I wanted to keep it to myself...

But eventually I got to the point where everything was so easy that it felt like the right time to share it.

I knew John and I had to write a book.

John was basically illiterate though (lol) and could barely use a computer...

So I knew it was up to me to package up his secrets and organize them into a clear, step-by-step system to turn your Instagram profile into a girl magnet and set up dates with beautiful women from your couch.

It's simply too juicy NOT to share.


So I wrote a playbook with the system.

I called it "IG Playbook X"

❌'s not some big, expensive course that you'll never finish...

❌'s not some long 500 page monster that will make your eyes bleed...

It's a short, ultra-effective playbook that takes you step by step through the ENTIRE 5-step process...

It shows you EVERYTHING you need to know to build your dream dating life in 14 days without ever cold approaching a woman again.

You can download and read it right now.

And I'm practically giving it to you.

And it doesn't matter if you want 1 girlfriend or 100... 

IG Playbook X will make it easy for you and give you full control.

Keep reading to learn the 5 steps in IG Playbook X

*** NOVEMBER SPECIAL: The Next 20 Guys Who Purchase The Playbook Will Get A FREE In-Depth Review Of Their Instagram Profile By Chris Archer (Optional - no strings attached) ***

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What this playbook is NOT about:

  • It is NOT about manipulating women or tricking them into thinking you're someone you're not
  • It is NOT about "looksmaxxing" or becoming a rich, handsome "Chad" (not necessary at ALL)
  • It is NOT about learning cheesy pickup lines or shallow PUA tactics
  • It is NOT about spending all your time and money chasing women
  • It is certainly NOT generic dating advice you'll find anywhere else online 

It is about staying ahead of the curve and using the best and most efficient methods available to get women in 2023 without a ton of time, money, or effort.

It is about tapping into deep female psychology to build massive attraction, even if you're not in the top 3% of men (or even close).

It is about ANY GUY being able to easily create an abundant dating life.

IG Playbook X is a 5-step blueprint for easily getting women with Instagram.

Thousands of men like you are already using this playbook to easily get 1-3+ dates per week with beautiful women.


How do we do this exactly?

Here are the 5 steps:

Step 1. Fix your IG and turn it into a girl magnet that does all the hard work FOR you

  • The EXACT pictures you NEED on your profile to attract women (with examples to model)
  • ​The content you need to remove immediately (if not sooner) from your page
  • Using stories the RIGHT way to create FOMO and make women attracted to you
  • ​The best kinds of profile photos to use (EXTREMELY IMPORTANT - it shows up every time you DM a woman)
  • ​How to set up your bio and highlights to be fun, intriguing, and show your unique personality
  • ​How to write engaging captions that draw in the RIGHT kind of women for you

Step 2. Find beautiful local women in your city/area

  • ​The "upscale club" method for finding the RIGHT kinds of women (without actually going to clubs)
  • ​The "city search" method to find unlimited women
  • The "local player" method for infiltrating deep into your city's top "players" and stealing their women... all from your couch
  • Red flags to avoid when finding local women so you can save yourself time and headache

Step 3. DM women from a strong frame (without being creepy or needy)
and - most important - get women to DM YOU

  • ​The best way to start conversations with women (NOT simply DMing them)​
  • ​The 3 "secret weapons" in DMs to stand out and get GOOD responses
  • ​How to flirt and keep her interest in the DMs
  • How to get the conversation off of IG so you can connect with her better and spike her emotions more
  • ​The "Brass Balls" video opener that makes you STAND OUT and almost guarantees a positive response (not for the faint of heart)

Step 4. Escalate the conversations and QUICKLY set up dates with beautiful women

  • How to set up dates (and the best kind of first date to set up)​​
  • ​How to text and interact with the woman (with tons of screenshots and examples for reference)   
  • How to use voice notes to turn the woman on and get her hot and ready for the date

Step 5. Turn these dates into hook ups and relationships

  • How to handle the first date and leave her wanting more
  • ​How to set up the second date (and exactly what to do)
  • ​The "4 Date Framework" that makes women physically AND emotionally fall in love with you and want you
  • How to get women back to your place (or hers) for wild nights you'll never forget

And those are just the very basics... 

IG Playbook X covers a LOT more, including:

-How to set a magnetic frame so that women chase YOU

-How to take awesome photos and edit them by yourself

-An unknown phone camera trick that instantly makes your face wider, more masculine, and more attractive in photos 

-How to "practice" all the techniques so that you get better and better without any embarrassment

-Common DM pitfalls and traps that make you look like a weirdo and get you left on "Seen"

-Why traditional "game" methods don't work anymore (and the NEW way that actually DOES work in 2023)

-Setting up the systems that make women flow in effortlessly almost on autopilot

-How to attract women and get dates WITHOUT being a party animal, going to clubs, or even going out much at all

-The "Brass Balls" DM opener with an EXTREMELY high positive response rate (not for the faint of heart)

-How to avoid getting ghosted or left on 'seen' (and what to do if it DOES happen)

-How to create a TRUE abundance mentality (not faked) so you can have an authentic "I don't give a f*ck" attitude that women LOVE

IG Playbook X is a cheat code.

Nothing like this existed before.

Before social media, you used to have to do everything the hard way.

The manual way.

Approach women one at a time...

Put in all the time and effort...

❌ Get rejected by women who WOULD be into you if only they actually knew you...

IG Playbook X solves all this.

Now, women will get to know you before they ever even talk to you, by looking at your Instagram.

They are already attracted to you.

They are WARM.

And when the women are already warm, everything is 100x easier.

Now you can have incredible dating abundance.

In 2023, you can easily talk to thousands of beautiful women without ever leaving your couch.

That is INSANE!

Here are a few results from other men like you who have used IG Playbook X
"Already seeing a way better response with the girls I'm DMing"
-Chen S.
"I got a gf with 18k followers... Total smokeshow & way out of my league"
-Mikhail M.
"Now my DMs are more full than I can handle"
-Peter W.
"...this ebook made it so simple"
-Phil R..
"it's too easy now"
-Martin S.
"IPX is the real deal"
-Liam R.
"only been using it a week and already had 3 dates and 1 close"
-Joe W.
"Now it's like I got the cheat codes"
-Kyan O.

They aren't any smarter, better looking, richer, or anything else than you...

They just have the right playbook.

Normally IG Playbook X sells for $97.

It's easily worth 10x that.

Beautiful women chasing YOU?

Never sleeping alone unless YOU want to?

Your dream dating life?

...all from your couch?

Honestly, how much is that worth to you?
To me, it's priceless.

$97 is a steal.


I want you to experience this for yourself, so for a limited time, I'm giving you IG Playbook X for only $12.20




$85 OFF for a limited time

*** NOVEMBER SPECIAL: The Next 20 Guys Who Purchase The Playbook Will Get A FREE In-Depth Review Of Their Instagram Profile By Chris Archer (Optional - no strings attached) ***

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This playbook will change your dating life forever.

I've experienced it myself, and so have thousands of other men who have used it.

Soon you'll be:
  • ​Talking to beautiful women effortlessly
  • Going on multiple dates every week (or as many as you want)
  • Sleeping with as many beautiful women as you can handle
  • ​Never worrying about "approach anxiety" or embarrassing yourself with cold approaches again
  • ​All from Instagram, which you already use anyway...
  • And all in 14 DAYS...

We give you the tools, and YOU decide how many dates and women you want.

And once you experience this for yourself, you'll look back on this moment and be incredibly glad you made the move...

Your over-abundant dating life starts NOW.

Here's the table of contents inside IG Playbook X:

Abundance is this easy.

You can have all this and more.

"IG Playbook X" includes:

  • ​Dozens of examples of the best photos, bios, stories, and captions to use​
  • Full photography and editing guide to take awesome pictures by yourself with your phone
  • ​Full DM conversation breakdowns so you can see exactly how to do it
  • 14-Day Action Plan to make sure you put everything into action and start going on dates in under 2 weeks
  • ​Troubleshooting chapter to find and fix any issues you're having along the way
  • A full breakdown of the "attention economy" and how to make your attention VALUABLE so you are in control
  • Personal access to me if you want more hands-on help with your IG
Just imagine...
14 days from now, you could be out there living YOUR fantasy dating life.
  • Confidently taking women out for dates, then back to your place (or hers) for unforgettable nights...
  • Multiple women texting you and practically begging to hang out...
  • Choosing between as many beautiful women as you want...
  • Complete dating ABUNDANCE
  • ​Becoming the confident, natural, capable man you KNOW you should be

Act fast...

Soon the price will go back up to the normal $97.

Download the playbook now and your life will never be the same.

This opportunity won't last forever...

Let's open the floodgates for you.

The days of waking up to an empty bed are OVER.

The days of wondering when a good woman will fall in love with you are OVER.

The days of questioning if you even deserve love and sex are OVER.

And the days of scarcity are GONE FOREVER!

Get the ultimate modern dating playbook for young men and start finally LIVING the dating live you've always dreamed of.

And most importantly...
Enjoy. 🔥😈
"Beautiful girls actually DMing me first now. Mind blown"
-Ryan J.

*** NOVEMBER SPECIAL: The Next 20 Guys Who Purchase The Playbook Will Get A FREE In-Depth Review Of Their Instagram Profile By Chris Archer (Optional - no strings attached) ***

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Will this work if I don't have a lot of followers?
Yes - follower count matters way less than you think. You only need about 200 followers, and if you don't have that many, the playbook shows you an easy way to quickly get 200+ followers.
What if I'm not handsome or don't have cool things to show off on Instagram?
Women care less about looks than most guys believe. They care more about status, frame, and confidence, which are all easy to display on IG, even if you don't feel like you have them in real life. The playbook will show you how to display these things, as well as how to take high-quality photos that make you look as good as possible. (This isn't "faking" - once you start working on this, you will quickly get REAL status, frame, and confidence through experience. You just need to get the ball rolling first.)
Does this take a lot of time and effort?
In the beginning, depending where you are starting from, you will have to put in a little bit of time to get some good photos and fix your IG profile (2-3 days). But once that is done, it becomes almost automatic, and very little effort is required to keep new women coming into your life.
Is this just a bunch of generic dating advice?
Far from it. Most modern dating advice is from guys who spend hours and hours and tons of money chasing women. For most guys, this is simply unsustainable. IG Playbook X is designed for guys who want an efficient system for getting new women without a ton of time or money.
Will this work if I'm shy or introverted? 
Yes. In fact it's perfect for more introverted guys because you don't have to cold approach. You build attraction and connection before you even meet a women, so when you DO meet her everything is much easier.
Is this for guys who want long-term relationships or just hookups?
Both. This playbook gives you all the tools and puts YOU in full control, so YOU can decide exactly what you want. You can go on a bunch of dates, keep seeing the women you like, and eventually keep one (or more) who you REALLY like... Or, you can keep a constant rotation of new women. Or whatever else you want to do. It's up to you.

*** NOVEMBER SPECIAL: The Next 20 Guys Who Purchase The Playbook Will Get A FREE In-Depth Review Of Their Instagram Profile By Chris Archer (Optional - no strings attached) ***

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IG Playbook X
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